
How to make HEAD and origin/master point to same (latest) revision. (HEAD points to latest while origin/master points past revision)

I'm new to git-hub.

I need to update my commit with -m "First" from local repo to git-hub.

Currently git log --oneline shows below stack.

394b23a (HEAD) First 895aa36 (origin/master, master) Second dc7346a Basic Service f627cd1 Data Binding. . . . If I try to git push origin master I get the message: "Everything up-to-date" and remote repo doesn't get updated. I think its because HEAD and origin are pointing to different revisions. I can't find a mean to merge both. I read about git merge but it mostly tells about merging two branches.

Please help to update the same. Thanks in advance.

NOTE: I have used git reset --hard HEAD in near past, which I think may be responsible for this mismatch.


  • git checkout 394b23a
    git branch master -f
    git checkout master
    git push origin master

    the HEAD is not stepping onto any branch, then above commands do: