I'm trying to import xml.dom.minidom but pycharm doesn't find it, altough it finds xml.entree / xml.parser / xml.sax.
The rest of the standart libraries work all fine. The xml file (beispiel.xml) shouldn't be the problem, because it hasn't "xml" in the name.
from xml.dom import minidom
document = minidom.parse("beispiel.xml")
wanted_info = input("Which prduct do you want to see?")
product_list = document.getElementsByTagName(wanted_info)
for product in product_list:
for value in product.childNodes:
if value.nodeType == minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
print(value.tagName + ":" + value.firstChild.data)
I'm not shure, what it could be. It could be, because i have installed python in D:... and pycharm in C:... but i dont think that's the problem.
I faced the same problem after upgrading to 2020.1. The problem is already reported in the Pycharm issue tracker.
There they propose the following workaround until the issue is fixed:
Replace xml directory in
from https://github.com/python/typeshed/tree/master/stdlib/2and3/xml
On my machine this solved the problem.