
Firebase Collection into ReorderableListView

I have a Firebase collection in Flutter that I want to have in a reorderableListView. The documents in the collection have a 'position' field that should determine the order of the list and be updated onReorder of the list.


  • I've worked it out myself finally.

    onReorder: (oldIndex, newIndex) {
      setState(() {
        List<MyObjectClass> objectList =
        if (newIndex > oldIndex) {
          newIndex -= 1;
        final MyObjectClass
            myObject = objectList.removeAt(oldIndex);
        objectList.insert(newIndex, myObject);
        for (MyObjectClass o in objectList) {
          o.position = objectList.indexOf(o);

    This is assuming you've got a function in a DatabaseService() class that maps a Firestore Collection to objects, and then have the ReorderableListView in a StreamBuilder that passes it a snapshot of said objects 'myObjects'.