Is there a way to connect a local computer to google cloud network?
I have a server building ios apps on a mac mini, and would like to be able to call/make builds from google cloud VM - and copy files from local/on prem. to Google Cloud VM.
You can reach your goal in a few ways:
Enable ssh access to your mac mini to run commands remotely on it and use on of the options described in the documentation Transferring files to instances to transfer files between cloud and premises.
Enable ssh access to your mac mini to run commands remotely and use cloud storage bucket mounted with Cloud Storage FUSE to the VM instance to upload/downlowad files between cloud and premises.
Use Google Cloud VPN to connect your on-premises network to the cloud.
In case of GKE cluster, you can find cluster CIDR range which contains IPs of Pods with the command:
gcloud container clusters describe my-cluster | grep clusterIpv4Cidr
to use it while configuring VPN.