
Change BigBlueButton HTML 5 Client Layout

I'm trying to do some layout changes like

Following the docs, i tried editting /var/www/bigbluebutton/client/conf/layout.xml, and set both, ChatWindow0 and ChatWindow1 hidden property to true but nothing happen!

How can i create a custom layout for HTML5 Client?

Thanks in advance!


  • The information you need could be found in their Google Group. I did a little research about these, however:

    There's no layout definition file in HTML5 like there is in Flash. To implement it, you would need to dig into the code pretty heavily. It would be too big of a change to point to one area to change. The HTML5 UI uses flex boxes heavily for ordering and positions.

    Chad Pilkey, from the BigBlueButton core team

    I've found it somehow hard to modify the code without breaking other parts, but you can always start by exploring the imports dir. where all components and styles reside. Having a look at ./bigbluebutton-html5/imports/ui/components/app/styles.scss may give you a good overview of the general layout as well.