I have issue on using "enabled" with j:Button
I know that I must add functionality with this bead :
<j:Button id="bp_next" text="Next" >
But now I have the button showing disabled state.
How to change enabled/disabled with AS3 code as there is no enabled
property on j:Button
There are a couple of ways this can be achieved.
(bp_next.getBeadByType(Disabled) as Disabled).disabled = true|false;
Disabled(bp_next.getBeadByType(Disabled)).disabled = true|false;
<j:Button localId="bp_next" text="Next" >
<j:Disabled disabled="{someVariable}"/>
In AS3:
someVariable = true|false;
<j:Button localId="bp_next" text="Next" >
<j:Disabled localId="bp_next_disabled"/>
In AS3:
bp_next_disabled.disabled = true|false;