I am attempting to write an admin action that accesses data from selected users. i.e. user's email. However, I have only been able to access the instance/data of the user that is currently logged in.
For example, to access the emails of selected users, I have tried:
class Account(AbstractBaseUser):
email = models.EmailField(max_length=60, unique=True)
from account.models import Account
for Account in queryset:
author = request.Account.email
author = Account.objects.get(email=request.email)
and both of these will fill "author" with the email address of the admin that is trying to pull the data.
Does anyone know how I could pull data from selected accounts with an admin action?
I was really overcomplicating it. Ironically enough, I found the answer on this site called simpleisbetterthatcomplex. The proper format was
for Account in queryset: