So, I've got this very interesting position where I have an entire set of code loaded into a variable, and I desperately want to run this code as it defines critical variables and functions for later in the code. Is there a way for me to do so? I haven't tried anything because, frankly, I have no idea what I have to do in this situation.
Main program:(Code is after the variable is loaded.)
while true do
Variable loaded code
--Graphics 1.0
local card = component.proxy(component.list("gpu")())[80]
table.insert(system, 0)
function trick.print(y, str)
card.fill(x, y, 1, y, str)
function trick.setscr(x,y,str)
card.fill(x, y, x, y, str)
function trick.clear()
card.fill(1, 1, 50, 16, " ")
system[6] = 0
Yeah I was dumb. All I had to do was implement a function that used the load command, like this.
run = load(system[4])
This adds the functions without issue.