
Getting postgres error when trying to work with postgres large objects using node.js 'pg'

Trying to execute SELECT lo_creat(?) using pg.Client.query() I'm getting error: 'syntax error at or near ")"'.

"node" 12.16.1, "pg" 8.0.2, "PostgreSQL" 12.0

const { Client } = require('pg'); 
const client = new Client({
  host: <host>,
  port: <port>,
  database: <database>,
  user: <user>,
  password: <password>,
await client.connect();
await client.query("SET SCHEMA '<schema>'"); // everything is fine
await client.query('SELECT lo_creat(?)', [0x00060000]); // throws the error here

Tried to execute the exact same query on my manual connection via pgAdmin4 and it worked fine returning the created oid.

Would appreciate any help, thanks in advance.


  • The issue here is using wrong syntax to pass the parameters.

    $1 should be used instead of ?.

    await client.query('SELECT lo_creat($1)', [0x00060000]); works correct.