
Spring AOP pointcut for all public methods of an annotatted class (including parent class methods)

I have two classes

public class ParentTestClass {
    public void publicMethodOfParent() {

public class ChildTestClass extends ParentTestClass {
    public void publicMethodOfChild() {

With Spring AOP I need to wrap:

Here is my pointcut

@Around("(@within(MyAnnotation) && execution(public * *(..))) || @annotation(MyAnnotation)")
public Object myWrapper(ProceedingJoinPoint invocation) throws Throwable {
   // ...

This works for public methods of ChildTestClass but ParentTestClass#publicMethodOfParent is not wrapped when I make a call childTestClass.publicMethodOfParent() How can I include parent methods?


  • Following pointcut expression will intercept the parent methods as well

    From the documentation

    @Pointcut("within(*) && execution(public **.*(..))")
    public void publicMethodsInApp() {
    @Around("(publicMethodsInApp() && @target(MyAnnotation)) || "
            + "(publicMethodsInApp() && @annotation(MyAnnotation))")
    public Object myWrapper(ProceedingJoinPoint invocation) throws Throwable {

    @target: Limits matching to join points (the execution of methods when using Spring AOP) where the class of the executing object has an annotation of the given type.