I am using a nivo line chart and want to use the x-Axis as a timeline, down to a minute. Unfortunatelly I can not render that chart because it fails to read the date properly. For example this is part of my data:
{ x: "2020-04-24T13:07:44.000+0000", y: 0.8063946735624102 }
this is the data the chart gets, generated with the following code:
let cpuEntry = {
x: data[i].created,
y: data[i].system_cpu
When I try to open the chart I get this error message:
Uncaught TypeError: v.getTime is not a function
After a bit of research I found out, the chart needs a Date obejct. I wrapped it like this:
x: new Date(data[i].created),
which gives me a result like this:
Fri Apr 24 2020 15:07:44 GMT+0200
and this error:
Uncaught Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: Fri Apr 24 2020 15:25:00 GMT+0200). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.
This is part of my configuration in the ResponsiveLine:
format: 'native',
type: 'time'
I have read something about trying to use "toString()" but thats just a circle of the same errors. I hope someone can help me. If needed I will provide further information.
You should to specify xScale format as
xScale={{ format: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%Z", type: "time" }}
And xFormat (as an example)
Or (if you want just time)
Also based on your time intervals you can set axisBottom
settings as follow:
tickValues: "every 1 second",
tickSize: 5,
tickPadding: 5,
tickRotation: 0,
format: "%S.%L",
legend: "Time",
legendOffset: 36,
legendPosition: "middle"
Here is a complete working example: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-hooks-counter-demo-dbr34?file=/src/index.js
And for time formats refer to https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format