as title suggests I'm not sure best route to detect the presence of a substring in a string, for example:
"anErrorMessage = 'error: robot arm extended too far' "
(anErrorMessage **contains:** 'extended too far')
Now I know the above doesnt work, but is there an existing method for checking for substrings??
I have found an answer that is both simple and accurate in all scenarios w/o dependancy on readStreams or extentions to 'naitive' VW as far back as VW7.4:
simply use findString:startingAt: and do a greater then zero check for # of occurences
|string substring1 substring2|
string:= 'The Quick Brown Fox'.
substring1:= 'quick'.
"below returns FALSE as 'quick' isnt found"
(string findString: substring1 startingAt:1)>0
ifTrue:[^'found [quick]'].
"below returns TRUE as 'Quick' is found"
(string findString: substring2 startingAt:1)>0
ifTrue:[^'found [Quick]'].
^'found nothing'.