
How to handle CSV file where address column data's are seperated by comma as a single column instead of multiple column in Spark

If I have incoming data for address field in CSV file is seperated by comma(','), how can I handle this in Spark? If I want that data as record to my address column.

Example-Suppose I have input data in form of CSV file as below,


I want final dataframe as,

Name   Address                    MobileNo
Bob    Delhi,NCR                  8984124789
Scott  Bangalore,Karnataka        9040788301
Robert Andheri,Mumbai,Maharastra  9338075922

How can we can handle this in Spark?


  • You can use an RDD to clean up the data before making a data frame from it:

    rdd = sc.textFile('path-to-csv.csv')

    Then clean it up by shifting the last column in order to isolate the Address data to the end of the line:

    df = rdd.map(lambda l: l.split(','))\
            .map(lambda l: Row(Name=l[0],Mobile=l[-1],Address=', '.join(l[1:-1])))\

    And to explicitly set the schema:

    df = rdd.map(lambda l: l.split(','))\
        .map(lambda l: Row(Name=l[0],MobileNo=l[-1],Address=', '.join(l[1:-1])))\
                                        StructField('Address', StringType()),
                                        StructField('MobileNo', StringType())]))

    The result:

    |Name  |Address                    |MobileNo  |
    |Bob   |Delhi, NCR                 |8984124789|
    |Scott |Bangalore, Karnataka       |9040788301|
    |Robert|Andheri, Mumbai, Maharastra|9338075922|