
Verify non-Google Play app installs using Play core library

Some context: Most of us may have faced this ResourceNotFoundException when we migrated to Android app bundle release method. It is evident that the issue is because of Side-loading the app. Reference here.

Google recently announced solution to this problem. Using play core library we can identify whether the app is side-loaded or not (Identifies the missing split apks). If the app is side-loaded it shows "Installation failed" popup and redirects to play store, where user can properly install the app via the Google Play store.

Problem: Everything works fine until the installation of missing split apks from play store. Now when I relaunch the app, it immediately crashes with an error saying.

Default FirebaseApp is not initialised in this process

Note: Directly downloading the app from play store works perfectly fine without any crash. The crash happens only when the app re-downloads because of side loading issue.

Project's build.gradle:

buildscript {
 dependencies {
  classpath ''

App module's build.gradle:

 implementation ''

Class that extends Application:

 public void onCreate() {
    if (MissingSplitsManagerFactory.create(this).disableAppIfMissingRequiredSplits()) {
        // Skip app initialization.

Any help would be really great.


  • I have solved this issue with the latest version of Play core library:

    App module's build.gradle:

    implementation ""

    Other implementation remains same.

    A class that extends Application:

    public void onCreate() {
     if (MissingSplitsManagerFactory.create(this).disableAppIfMissingRequiredSplits()) {
        // Skip app initialization.

    How to test:

    Hope this helps