
Images inaccessible from asset catalog in a SwiftUI framework

I've created an iOS framework that contains a single SwiftUI View. I've then added an Asset Catalog with a single image. Trying to access that image from the SwiftUI view doesn't do anything - I see a blank image.


The Xcode Preview doesn't show anything, nor does the view show anything for a test target I wrote that uses the framework.

So the question is - how do I bundle images with a framework that uses SwiftUI? Is this not supported? The only way I could get this to work was to move the image to the test target's asset catalog instead. Unfortunately this means that I cannot preview the designs I'm working on when developing the framework.


  • By default

    Image("MyImage") is Image("MyImage", bundle: Bundle.main)

    ie. in bundle of application.

    You have to explicitly specify bundle (of framework) in which Assets catalog is located, as

    Image("MyImage", bundle: bundle)

    where bundle is instantiated in usual way by class or identifier.