
Latex Commands with URL

I am having trouble adding a URL to the Linkedin command. I want it to essentially print the Linkedin logo, text that I want to be explicitly seen, and a URL that the user will be redirected to upon clicking it. Below is the current .cls file.

.cls file:

\newcommand{\printinfo}[2]{\mbox{\textcolor{accent}{\normalfont #1}\hspace{0.5em}#2\hspace{2em}}}

I tried turning the last line into the following:


However, upon doing so, I get the following errors:

! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.91 ...{\printinfo{\linkedinsymbol}{#1}}{\url{#2}
! Undefined control sequence.
\hyper@linkurl ...tionraw >>}\relax \Hy@colorlink
                                                  \@urlcolor #1\Hy@xspace@en...
l.91 ...{\printinfo{\linkedinsymbol}{#1}}{\url{#2}
! Undefined control sequence.
\close@pdflink ->\Hy@endcolorlink
                                  \Hy@VerboseLinkStop \pdfendlink
l.91 ...{\printinfo{\linkedinsymbol}{#1}}{\url{#2}

Minimum Reproducible Example:





.cls file:

\ProvidesClass{altacv}[2018/07/27 AltaCV v1.1.4, yet another alternative class for a résumé/curriculum vitae.]




  \msg_redirect_name:nnn { fontspec } { font-not-found } { none }





\newcommand{\printinfo}[2]{\mbox{\textcolor{accent}{\normalfont #1}\hspace{0.5em}#2\hspace{2em}}}


  • Here is the code that ended up working for my scenario:

    % \newcommand{\printinfo}[2]{\mbox{\textcolor{accent}{\normalfont #1}\hspace{0.5em}#2\hspace{2em}}}
    \newcommand{\weblinks}[3]{\mbox{\textcolor{accent}{\normalfont #1}\hspace{0.5em}{\href{#2}{#3}}\hspace{2em}}}
    % \newcommand{\linkedin}[2]{\printinfo{\linkedinsymbol}{#1}{\url{#2}}}