I am publishing a package to github packages . In the published package, the argument names in interfaces are getting polluted.
this is how my interface class looks like-
public interface detailAPI {
getDetails(@ApiParam(value = "", required = true) @RequestParam(value = "userId", required = true) BigDecimal userId
After loading the package from github packages in another project , this is the class in my external dependencies -
public interface detailAPI {
getDetails(@ApiParam(value = "",required = true) @RequestParam(value = "userId",required = true) BigDecimal var1
the argument "userID" has been changed to "var1" in the uploaded package. I'm assuming gradle/maven both do this for some optimisation.
All argument names have changes to vars, s1, s2...
Is there a way to prevent this ? Would appreciate your help.
I believe you need to compile with the -parameters
tasks {
javaCompile {
Reference: https://www.baeldung.com/java-parameter-reflection