I am using NetBeans 11. I developpe a PHP application and plugin based on CakePHP 4.0 frameworks.
To debug my application I use X-DEBUG through NetBeans. The issue is that X-DEBUG ignores a breakpoint set in controller that belongs to my plugins.
X-DEBUG seems to be well configured because the php script stops on a breakpoint set in a controller that belongs to the main application I developpe.
The structure of the application follows cakePHP directives: application_folder plugins Controller Model … src Controller Model …
I try to add manually this at the end of the URL: ?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=netbeans-xdebug and refresh the page and the breakpoint in the plugin controller is taken in account and the script stop.
What could be the problem? Is it a cakePHP problem or a X-DEBUG config problem or a NetBeans problem? Thank you for your answers Patrick
I resolved this issue myself by adding two lines in php.ini file in the X-Debug section.
These two lines are: xdebug.remote_autostart=on xdebug.idekey="netbeans-xdebug"
So my full X-debug section in my local php.ini file is like this:
And now all works fine...