I have a code to find the collision of the first 56 bits of the hash function: md5(md5(x)) (using the Floyd algorithm to find cycles). The script returns two strings (hare, tortoise) for which a collision occurs. How to modify this script to return 'hare' and 'turtle' with the same prefix?
For example:
hare = 'myprefix11233...'
tortoise = 'myprefix37008...'
MD5(MD5('myprefix11233...')) = 0x66545ea223fe91a8747a0...
MD5(MD5('myprefix37008...')) = 0x66545ea223fe91a874da5...
import hashlib
def hash(plain):
temp = hashlib.md5(plain).hexdigest()
bytes = []
temp = ''.join(temp.split(" "))
for i in range(0, len(temp), 2):
bytes.append(chr(int(temp[i:i+2], 16)))
first_hash = ''.join(bytes)
return hashlib.md5(first_hash).hexdigest()[:14]
def floyd(hash, x0):
tortoise = hash(x0)
hare = hash(hash(x0))
counter = 0
final = ""
print("first while")
while (tortoise != hare):
tortoise = hash(tortoise)
hare = hash(hash(hare))
counter += 1
if(counter % 10000000 == 0):
tortoise = x0
print("second while")
counter = 0
while (tortoise != hare):
tortoise = hash(tortoise)
hare = hash(hare)
counter += 1
if(counter % 10000000 == 0):
if (tortoise != hare):
temp_tortoise = tortoise
temp_hare = hare
if (hash(tortoise) == hash(hare)):
print("found hashes")
print("tortoise", temp_tortoise)
print("hare", temp_hare)
final = 'tortoise: ' + temp_tortoise + "\n" + "hare: " + temp_hare
with open('hashes.log', 'w') as file_:
print("checking calculations...")
print("tortoise", temp_tortoise, ">", hash(temp_tortoise))
print("hare", temp_hare, ">", hash(temp_hare))
floyd(hash, 'init_data')
I solved the problem in python2: https://github.com/jaroslaw-wieczorek/python2_collision_detection_by_floyd
and solution in python3: https://github.com/jaroslaw-wieczorek/python3_collision_detection_by_floyd