I have a ble
scanner that works and looks like this:
func scan(serviceId: String) -> Observable<[BleHandler.BlePeripheral]> {
knownDevices = []
return waitForBluetooth()
.flatMap { _ in self.scanForPeripheral(serviceId: serviceId) }
.map { _ in self.knownDevices }
private func waitForBluetooth() -> Observable<BluetoothState> {
return self.manager
.filter { $0 == .poweredOn }
Then in the viewModel
it filters matches from core data
func scanAndFilter() -> Observable<[LocalDoorCoreDataObject]> {
let persistingDoors: [LocalDoorCoreDataObject] = coreDataHandler.fetchAll(fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<LocalDoorCoreDataObject>(entityName: "LocalDoorCoreDataObject"))
return communicationService
.scanForDevices(register: false)
.map{ peripherals in
print("🐶 THIS WILL GO ON FOR ETERNITY", peripherals.count)
self.knownDevices = peripherals
return persistingDoors
.filter { door in peripherals.contains(where: { $0.identifier.uuidString == door.dPeripheralId }) }
And in the view
I want to connect when the scan is completed:
private func scanAndConnect(data: LocalDoorCoreDataObject) {
onNext: {
print("🐶SCANNED NAME", $0.first?.dName)},
onCompleted: {
self.connectToFilteredPeripheral(localDoor: data)
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
It never reaches onCompleted
as it will just scan for eternity even after having found and filtered
the core data
match. In Apple's framework coreBluetooth
I could simply call manager.stopScan()
after it has found what I want, but that doesn't seem to be available on the Rx
counterpart. How does it work for RxSwift
You can create a new Observable that looks for devices and then completes as soon as it finds the device(s) you're looking for. This would be something like:
func scanAndFilter() -> Observable<[LocalDoorCoreDataObject]> {
return Observable.deferred { in
let persistingDoors: [LocalDoorCoreDataObject] = coreDataHandler.fetchAll(fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<LocalDoorCoreDataObject>(entityName: "LocalDoorCoreDataObject"))
return communicationService
.scanForDevices(register: false)
.filter { /* verify if the device(s) you're looking for is/are in this list */ }
The filter
operator will make sure that only lists that contain the device you're looking for are passed on and the take(1)
operator will take the first emitted value and complete immediately.
The deferred
call makes sure that the fetch request that is performed in the first line is not executed when you call scanAndFilter()
but only when somebody actually subscribes to the resulting Observable.