
Python: Plot candlesticks with automatic Y zoom

I am looking for a Python plotting library that allows me to plot candlesticks (preferably the OHLC bars variant) with X zoom via mousewheel scrolling (or similar) and an automatically scaled Y axis when zooming.

As an example of what I am looking for, does this perfectly. See OHLC bars can be seen by clicking the candlestick icon near the top left and selecting 'Bars'.

Plotly is almost able to do this. The Ohlc class in plotly.graph_objs give the OHLC bars, and the default rangeslider is a nice feature for X zoom (mousewheel scrolling can also be easily enabled). However automatic Y scaling is not available in Python as far as I can see (Y-axis autoscaling with x-range sliders in plotly), thus zooming in on a section of data makes it appear flat. Example code -

Another option I am familiar with is PyQtGraph, which has nice zoom features but does not have support for candlestick plots. Using this would involve coding my own candlestick object.

There are a wide range of Python plotting libraries out there that I don't know. Is there anything out there that has out of the box support for this? Can anyone provide example code to do this cleanly?


  • This is how to do it in finplot:

    import yfinance as yf
    import finplot as fplt
    df ='^NDX', start='2018-01-01', end='2020-04-29')

    Disclaimer: I am the author. Finplot has auto-Y-scaling, is fast and opinionated with a clean api. See examples here.