I have an entity like this
interface IDevice {
id: string;
name: string;
brand: string;
plan: 'contract' | 'unlocked';
and an entity store
interface DevicesState extends EntityState<IDevice> {
selectedBrand: string | undefined;
selectedPlan: 'contract' | 'unlocked';
And I want to query and filter the entities based on the brand selected.
My only attempt was this
selectedBrand$ = this.select('selectedBrand');
selectedPlan$ = this.select('selectedPlan');
devices$ = this.selectedBrand$
? this.selectAll({
filterBy: [
entity => entity.brand === this.selectedBrand$,
entity => entity.plan === this.selectedPlan$,
: this.selectMany([]);
This will not work since this.selectedBrand$
is an observable. How do I select the devices based on two outer state values?
You can use switchMap to first observe the selected brand and then switch to the store select based on the selected brand:
selectedBrand$ = this.select('selectedBrand');
devices$ = this.selectedBrand$
switchMap(brand => brand
? this.selectAll({
filterBy: entity => entity.brand === brand
: this.selectMany([])
When you want to combine two observables, you can use combineLatest
devices$ = combineLatest(this.selectedBrand$, this.selectedPlan$)
switchMap(([brand, plan]) => this.selectAll({
filterBy: [
brand ? entity => entity.categories.map(x => x.name).includes(brand) : null,
plan ? entity => entity.plan_tab === plan : null
].filter(x => x !== null)