I have an app with a number of worker threads, one for each core. On a modern 8 core machine, I have 8 of these threads. My app loads many plugins, which also have their own worker threads. Because the app uses huge blocks of memory (photos, e.g. 200 MB) I have a memory fragmentation problem (32 bit app). The problem is that every thread allocates the {$MAXSTACKSIZE ...} of address space. It's not using the physical memory but the address space. I reduced the MAXSTACKSIZE from 1 MB to 128 KB, and it seems to work, but I don't know if I'm near to the limit. Is there any possibility to measure how much stack is really used?
Use this to compute the amount of memory committed for the current thread's stack:
function CommittedStackSize: Cardinal;
mov eax,[fs:$4] // base of the stack, from the Thread Environment Block (TEB)
mov edx,[fs:$8] // address of lowest committed stack page
// this gets lower as you use more stack
sub eax,edx
Another idea I don't have.