I would like to develop web apps in Google colab. The only issue is that you need a browser connected to local host to view the web app, but Google colab doesn't have a browser inside the notebook.
But it seems that there are ways around this. For example run_with_ngrok is a library for running flaks apps in colab/jupyter notebooks
When you use it, it gives a random address , "Running on http://.ngrok.io"
And somehow the webapp that's running on Google colab is running on that address.
This is a great solution for Flask apps, but I am looking to run webapps in general on Google Colab, not just Flask ones. Is there a general method for running webapps in colab/jupyter notebooks?
You can plan to start a server on a port, e.g. port=8000. Find the URL to use this way.
from google.colab.output import eval_js
# https://z4spb7cvssd-496ff2e9c6d22116-8000-colab.googleusercontent.com/
Then, start the server, e.g.
!python -m http.server 8000
And click the first link above (instead of localhost or, it will open in a new tab.
You can display the result in an iframe in the output part. I made it into an easy function to call.
from IPython.display import Javascript
def show_port(port, height=400):
(async ()=>{
fm = document.createElement('iframe')
fm.src = await google.colab.kernel.proxyPort(%s)
fm.width = '95%%'
fm.height = '%d'
fm.frameBorder = 0
""" % (port, height) ))
Now you can start a webapp (here it is http.server) in a background. And display the result as an iframe below it.
get_ipython().system_raw('python3 -m http.server 8888 &')
To stop the server, you can call ps
and kill the process.