
NGINX Unit + Flask = not found among the available application modules

this is happens when i upload config.json:

sudo curl -X PUT --data-binary @config.json --unix-socket /var/run/control.unit.sock http://localhost/config
        "error": "Invalid configuration.",
        "detail": "The module to run \"python 3.6\" is not found among the available application modules."

i tried: Python, Python 3.7

my config.json that i trying to upload:

  "listeners": {
    "*:1234": {
      "pass": "applications/flask"
  "applications": {
    "flask": {
      "type": "python 3.6",
      "processes": 5,
      "path": "/home/123/123/",
      "home": "/home/123/123/venv/",
      "module": "wsgi",
      "user": "root",
      "group": "root"

This is all happens when i trying to make simple flask-demo with nginx unit


  • First, you should check if the python module is properly installed. In order to discover where they are located, you can use the unitd --help as it shows the default options.

    $ unitd --help
      --modules DIRECTORY  set modules directory name
                           default: "/usr/lib/unit/modules"

    If you use a custom systemd unit or script, you should check the option --modules

    Simply list the files in the modules directory:

    $ ls /usr/lib/unit/modules

    If they are there, check in the beginning of the unit.log if they were correctly loaded:

    $ sudo more /var/log/unit.log 
    2020/04/29 22:24:47 [info] 13025#13025 discovery started
    2020/04/29 22:24:47 [notice] 13025#13025 module: python 3.6.9 "/usr/lib/unit/modules/"
    2020/04/29 22:24:47 [notice] 13025#13025 module: python 3.7.5 "/usr/lib/unit/modules/"
    2020/04/29 22:24:47 [notice] 13024#13024 process 13025 exited with code 0
    2020/04/29 22:24:47 [info] 13027#13027 router started
    2020/04/29 22:24:47 [info] 13026#13026 controller started
    2020/04/29 22:24:47 [info] 13027#13027 OpenSSL 1.1.1  11 Sep 2018, 1010100f

    If they were not loaded, the log will say the reason. Unit module versions must match the Unit version installed. If you installed a newer version in a system running the old version, you should reinstall the unit modules as well (apt install unit-dev unit-python3.6 unit-python3.7).