
How to create a merge request from an already pushed commit from CLI?

I have a branch called dev which is up-to-date with the origin/dev. I want to merge into the (protected) master with the following command, but it doesn't push either create the merge request.

$ git push -o merge_request.create -o
Everything up-to-date

How to create a merge request from an already pushed commit from CLI?


  • This solution is based on this, but mine is more general. The solution below creates a custom-named branch to push it, and it requests the delete of the newly created branch on merge.

    # Create new unique merge-request branch ex: 1234abc-to-master
    git checkout -b `git rev-parse --short HEAD`"-to-master"
    # Create merge request with upstream this new branch
    git push -u origin `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` -o merge_request.create -o -o merge_request.remove_source_branch