
How to protect pdf file with Tomcat filters?

I am currently running a tomcat instance with struts 1 and I would like tomcat to detect when pdf files are requested in the URL (For example of a link: http://www.***.com/files/action=download&name=myreport.pdf).

At this point I want a java class to be instantiated, then using a pdf API I want to inject a password to a file. The main point here is that I do not want to have the password store in the original pdf file I am serving instead I want the password to be injected at runtime by Tomcat.

Please let me know if you have any ideas, I did a little of research and I came across tomcat filters but I am unsure if this will resolve this problem.

Please note the passwords are store in a database table.



  • From the filter we invoke a Java class to do the actual "injecting of password".

    The entry in the web.xml will redirect your call to a particular filter.

    <!--web.xml call all calls to .pdf will invoke the particular filter.-->
       <filter-name>PDF Filter</filter-name>
       <filter-name>PDF Filter</filter-name>
    //This is the actual filter
    public class PDFFilter implements Filter 
        public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
                FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException 
            PDFPasswordInjector pdfPassInject = new PDFPasswordInjector();
            //use HttpServletRequestWrapper to get the pdf location/pdf name
            pdfPassInject.injectPassword( "<pdf location>" );
            chain.doFilter(request, response);
    //Java class to inject the password
    public class PDFPasswordInjector
        public boolean injectPassword( String sPDFName )
                    // retrieve password from DB
                    // use API to inject password to PDF