Hi guys I am developing an application with Spring Boot, Although I am having some problems initializing a JPA repository in a thread generating the following error
Exception in thread "Thread-6" kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property contactTypeAudioPathRepository has not been initialized
at com.sopristec.sa_tas.controllers.ProvisioningController$createAudioWithAsync$executeP$1.run(ProvisioningController.kt:96)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
I'm using @Autowired to start it and this is what the function looks like
private lateinit var contactTypeAudioPathRepository: ContactTypeAudioPathRepository
fun createAudioWithAsync(menuChoice: String, presentation: String) {
val executeP = Thread{
val message = "Press $menuChoice to save this phone number as $presentation. Or " +
"Press 9 to save as work number"
val commandVoice = mutableListOf<String>("python","pythonScript/main.py",message);
val buildAudio = ProcessBuilder(commandVoice).start()
val getPath = buildAudio.inputStream.bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }
println("A python script failed")
val fileName = getPath.replace("\n","")
// Genera error --> contactTypeAudioPathRepository.add("mediaLink").subscribe()
// executeP.start();
This is the repository, as you can see is with JPA's CrudRepository
interface ContactTypeAudioPathRepository : CrudRepository<ContactTypeAudioPath,Int> {
You don't need to use lateinit
to Autowire your Repository
Spring allows you to use Constructor Injection
class ProvisioningController(private val repository:ContactTypeAudioPathRepository) {
fun createAudioWithAsync(menuChoice: String, presentation: String) {