I am attempting to do two things using the PHP OCI Oracle functions:
I am able to do this successfully using the SQL Developer software provided from Oracle. My query is extremely basic and can been seen below:
This code above works perfectly and I get a full table of results in SQL Developer.
I am attempting to do the same thing above in PHP using OCI. My code can be seen below:
// Load up the system.
global $config;
$oracleDb = oci_new_connect($config['oracleDb']['username'], $config['oracleDb']['password'], $config['oracleDb']['connectionString']);
$firstStid = oci_parse($oracleDb, "BEGIN PKG_KTY_SEARCH.PR_PRICE_LIST(); END;");
$secondStid = oci_parse($oracleDb, "SELECT * FROM kty_web.KTY_PROD_PRICE_TEMP");
oci_fetch_all($secondStid, $result);
echo json_encode($result);
echo "<br />Import complete!";
This however returns no errors, and an empty result set. I can't figure out why. Anybody seeing anything obvious here that I'm missing?
Result set returned from PHP
My connection string is as follows:
$config['oracleDb']['connectionString'] = "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = " . $config['oracleDb']['host'] . ")(PORT = " . $config['oracleDb']['port'] . ")))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=" . $config['oracleDb']['sid'] . ")))";
I am using PHP7.1.22, and Oracle 11g database. I am able to query normal tables and get results without problems within PHP and get a full result set.
Is the temporary table defined as on commit delete rows
or as on commit preserve rows
By default, oci_execute
will implicitly issue a commit
after every successful call. Assuming your temporary table is defined as on commit delete rows
, that will delete the rows before the subsequent query. You can change that behavior by passing an optional second parameter
oci_execute($firstStid, OCI_DEFAULT);
Assuming you do this, however, you'll want to do an explicit oci_commit
in order to close the transaction you've opened.