I have two function handles:
A = @(x, y, z) [10*y - 10*x; 28*x - z*x - y; x*y - 8/3*z]
B = @(u) [u; 0; 0]
How can I simulate them that in MATLAB with a control variable u? Control variable u is time varying.
You can use:
[t,out] = ode45(@(t,vars) myfunction(t,vars,U),tsim,xyz0);
x = out(1);
y = out(2);
z = out(3);
Where U is the value of u, tsim is the simulation time (final time o time vector) and xyz0 is the vector of initial condition of variables x, y and z in the form [x0 y0 z0]. myfunction is defined as:
function dxyz= myfunction(t,vars,u)
x = vars(1);
y = vars(2);
z = vars(3);
% u varying with a condition
if t>1
u = newValue;
% u is a function of time u=f(t)
u = 2*t;
A = [10*y - 10*x; 28*x - z*x - y; x*y - 8/3*z];
B = [u; 0; 0];
dxyz = A+B;