Using latest io-ts, I would like to model property result
of NodeLsStatusResponse
to contains objects of type NodeStatus
or NodeStatus404
in (t.readonlyArray
How to define this relationship with io-ts?
export const Connection = t.union([t.literal('a'), t.literal('b')])
export type Connection = t.TypeOf<typeof Connection>
export const NodeStatus = t.type({
connection: Connection,
nodeId: t.string,
export const NodeStatus404 = t.type({
connection: Connection,
host: t.string,
export type NodeStatus = t.TypeOf<typeof NodeStatus>
export type NodeStatus404 = t.TypeOf<typeof NodeStatus404>
export const NodeLsStatusResponse = t.type({
code: t.literal('OK'),
result: t.readonlyArray(NodeStatus), /// <<< I would like to have a mixed array here
I was able to solve this issue by using an union for the readonly array as:
export const NodeLsStatusResponse = t.type({
code: t.literal('OK'),
result: t.readonlyArray(t.union([NodeStatus, NodeStatus404])),