
No menu for adding WSL python interpreter in PyCharm

I was following this guide from official jetbrains page, until the step 2 comes in the existence.

In the picture mentioned in that page, has so many options like ssh, wsl, vagrant, docker, etc. In my pycharm (latest 2019.3.4) it only shows 4 options - venv, conda, pipenv and system-interpreter.

There is no WSL menu in the add python interpreter dialog.

See the below image:

enter image description here

Searched web for an hour and found no results that show how to fix it. I started plugin search in the PyCharm if there's an external plugin to do so, but there were no plugin named as WSL.

I don't know how to setup the WSL interpreter, I have python3.8 installed on my wsl right now.

Any help will be appreciated!


  • I have solved this by