I have this interface
export interface Student {
cf: string,
firstName: string,
lastName: string,
dateOfBirth: Date,
description?: string,
enrollmentDate?: Date
I want to populate an array of students with a http get request, which returns the following json for each student
{cf: "blablabla", first_name: "Mario", last_name: "Rossi", date_of_birth: "1998-01-24", enrollment_date: "2019-03-20" },
As you can see, the interface has different names from the response (firstName instead of first_name), so when I print to the console the names of the students I get undefined.
This is the service function from which I get the data
getStudents(): Observable<Student[]> {
return this.httpClient.get<Student[]>(this.studentsUrl, this.baseService.httpOptions);
And here is my students component
export class StudentsComponent implements OnInit {
students: Student[];
childIcon = faChild;
plusIcon = faPlus;
private _newStudent: boolean = false;
constructor(private studentsService: StudentsService) { }
ngOnInit(): void {
(result: Student[]) => {
this.students = result;
this.students.forEach(student => console.log(student));
error => console.log(error)
Is there a way to convert the json response to my Student interface? Several answers on stack overflow suggest map is the way, but I don't understand how to use that operator alog with subscribe
One way would be manually loop through the array and define new keys and delete obsolete ones before returning the array using RxJS map
import { pipe } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
getStudents(): Observable<Student[]> {
return this.httpClient.get<Student[]>(this.studentsUrl, this.baseService.httpOptions).pipe(
map(response => response.forEach(student => {
student.firstName = student.first_name;
student.lastName = student.last_name;
student.dateOfBirth = student.date_of_birth;
student.enrollmentDate = student.enrollment_date;
delete student.first_name;
delete student.last_name;
delete student.date_of_birth;
delete student.enrollment_date;
But depending on the number of elements in the array, this could be a heavily taxing operation for a single HTTP request. Couldn't you define the interface definition to match the one of the API?