At present, the trading system of our production environment is using Kafka. Because Kafka latency is too high, we hope to replace Kafka with Aeron. How can I use Aeron correctly?
Aeron isn't an out of the box replacement for Kafka although it does provide primitives that would allow you to replicate much of the functionality.
Kafka latencies are in the order of milliseconds whereas Aeron latencies are typically measured in microseconds.
What exactly you would need to build in Aeron very much depends on your use case.
One of the primary uses of Kafka is as a persistent queue.
To build a simple persistent queue for a single publisher use case. You would need:
- this component runs and Aeron MediaDriver
which handles send/receiving messages over the network and and Archive
which allows you to record and replay streams.Publication
to send messages to be recorded by the Archive. See AeronArchive.addRecordedPublication
- this component handles send/receiving messages over the network.Susbcription
that replays data from a specific position in the recorded stream of messages. See AeronArchive.replay
.There are examples of this in the aeron-samples.
Latency could be reduced further by having the publisher send messages over multicast/MDC and having the subscriber use ReplayMerge
to seamlessly transition from the recorded stream to the live stream.
Worth noting that real-logic do provide commercial support.