
Flutter. Admob ads with mediation

I've integrated https://pub.dev/packages/firebase_admob into my app and implemented rewarded ads. My problem now is that I'd like to use mediation via this plugin. The only thing is that I know (from developing Android apps and also it says in the Admob docs) that one needs to include the mediated networks' SDKs in the app.

Does this plugin even support mediation? I wasn't able to find anything relating to this. Or does the mediation only come from the admob dashboard, just by setting up the add-unit with mediation and you're not really required to add the SDKs?

I couldn't find any adapters for this plugin, so ... don't really have anything to integrate in the app.

I'm very confused. Does anyone know how to use mediation or if it even works with the current firebase_admob` flutter plugin?


  • You can use firebase_admob and that dependency supports mediation. You you would like to add mediation there is a guide over here:

    Android - https://developers.google.com/admob/android/mediate iOS - https://developers.google.com/admob/ios/mediate

    You can select the ad network you would like to integrate and read the steps on how to do so. Sometimes the documentation can be outdated so just make sure you cross-check the steps with the ad network you want to integrate on their github repo.

    If you are integrating it for Android you have to add the dependencies in your app level build.gradle file and it will automatically install that particular ad networks SDK in your Flutter app.

    If you are adding the same for iOS just install the Cocoapod for the ad network at the end of your Podfile.