I am trying to detect the level of irregularity in the perimeter of a white object in a black image. I found some good code to do it in MATLAB, but it relies on the function bwarea
, which seems to be a weighted area that factors in perimeter. I am not sure what the equivalent code would be in python - would really appreciate if someone could give me an equivalent. Alternatively, if anyone knows a good metric for determining perimeter irregularity of a white object in a black image (i.e. a binary image), that would also be helpful!!
Thanks for the pointer to the documentation! I've included my implementation below. I doubt it's very efficient but it worked well enough for me:
def patternScore(neighborhood):
m_sum = 0
m_sum = neighborhood[0,0] + neighborhood[0,1] + neighborhood[1,0] + neighborhood[1,1]
if(m_sum == 3):
return float(7.0/8.0)
elif(m_sum == 0):
return 0
elif(m_sum == 1):
return float(1.0/4.0)
elif(m_sum == 4):
return 1
if(neighborhood[0][1] == neighborhood[0][0]):
return .5
elif(neighborhood[1][0] == neighborhood[0][0]):
return .5
return .75
def neighbors(im, i, j, d=1):
im = np.array(im).astype(int)
top_left = im[i-d:i+d, j-d:j+d]
top_right = im[i-d:i+d, j:j+d+1]
bottom_left = im[i:i+d+1, j-d:j+d]
bottom_right = im[i:i+d+1, j:j+d+1]
pattern = (patternScore(top_left) + patternScore(top_right) + patternScore(bottom_left) + patternScore(bottom_right))
return pattern
def bwarea(img):
d = 1
area = 0
for i in range(1,img.shape[0]-1):
for j in range(1,img.shape[1]-1):
area += neighbors(img,i,j)
return area