I have base or parent class which has method1(int ,int) and method1(double,double) overloaded
public class Sub extends Base{
method1(double,double) {`some manipulation`}
method1(1,1); //i am not getting Compile Error(reference to method is ambiguous)!in java
like so but what is the case here?
public class Test3{
public static void JavaHungry(Exception e) {}
public static void JavaHungry(ArithmeticException e) {}
public static void JavaHungry(String s) {}
public static void main(String[] args) {
JavaHungry(null); // reference to method is ambiguous
In Java, int
is represented by 1
and double
is represented by 1.0
Hence when you invoke method1(1, 1)
it is invoking the method with int arguments.
For Java compiler, this is not ambiguous.
In short, following are the invocations that will happen when you pass these types of values.
method1(1, 1)
--> int, int
method1(1.0, 1)
--> double, double (compiler with auto cast the 1 to double)
method1(1.0, 1.0)
--> double, double