What I'm actually doing is I'm storing a SpannableString
in the form of HTML
but it has a BackgroundColorSpan
which has an aplha channel in its color. Now I got to know (via trials) that my aplha channel of the color goes away (due to inability of HTML
) from the text whenever I try to store it.
Now what I want to know is that is there a way I can extract all the BackgroundColorSpan
instances in the SpannableString
AND change their color property? All the BackgroundColorSpan
instances are of same color I just want to add an alpha channel to their color (by changing their color) before I present the text to users.
I figured out a way to extract all the BackgroundColorSpan
instances by using getSpans
but i still can't find a way to change their color.
Here's the related code:
SpannableString spannableDescString = new SpannableString(trimTrailingWhitespace(Html.fromHtml(note.getDesc())));
BackgroundColorSpan[] highlightSpanArray = spannableDescString.getSpans(0,spannableDescString.length(),BackgroundColorSpan.class);
for(BackgroundColorSpan item : highlightSpanArray){
//what should I put here to change every item's color
Nevermind, I got the answer here
All I had to do was to delete the current span and replace it with the BackgroundColorSpan
of the color that I required. Here's the code snippet.
SpannableString spannableDescString = new SpannableString(trimTrailingWhitespace(Html.fromHtml(note.getDesc())));
BackgroundColorSpan[] highlightSpanArray = spannableDescString.getSpans(0,spannableDescString.length(),BackgroundColorSpan.class);
for(BackgroundColorSpan item : highlightSpanArray){
//what should i put here to change every items color
// get the span range
int start = spannableDescString.getSpanStart(item);
int end = spannableDescString.getSpanEnd(item);
// remove the undesired span
// set the new span with desired color
spannableDescString.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(Color.RED),start,end, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
I simply didn't know if I could find the starting and ending of individual spans.