
Error passing argument from pointer to non-enclosed address space

I am using an ATMEGA16M1 microcontroller and the MPLAB IDE.

I have following function to write to the ports.

void Lcd8_Write_String(char *a)
    int i;

void Lcd8_Write_Char(char a)
    pinChange(RS,1);             // => RS = 1
    Lcd8_Port(a);                //Data transfer
    pinChange(EN,1);             // => E = 1
    pinChange(EN,0);             // => E = 04

I call the function with Lcd8_Write_String("Hello World");.

I get:

error: passing argument 1 of 'Lcd8_Write_String' from pointer to non-enclosed address space.

How do I resolve this error?


  • If you write:

    Lcd8_Write_String("Hello World");

    The string "Hello World" will be in the Flash memory of your microcontroller and not in the RAM. So you had to switch your function to:

    void Lcd8_Write_String(const char *a)