I need some help with my web page. I stream wav files and only on Apple's software music don't play. I was looking for solution in Internet (other peoples problems) and tried different solutions, but without success. Maybe the best would be to examine my web site: https://sidcloud.net. I use html audio html element with my controls. It seems the streaming is starting (from back-end perspective), but audio html element don't play it. Can anyone help and examine the web site? Thanks in advance! Bartek
Got it working \o/. I had to handle bytes ranges correctly. Apple's software use range feature, so I had to satisfy its needs :). Here is my REST API function in Golang/GIN:
func AudioGet(c *gin.Context) {
// Typ połączania
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
c.Header("Connection", "Keep-Alive")
c.Header("Transfer-Encoding", "identity")
c.Header("Accept-Ranges", "bytes")
// Odczytujemy parametr - numer muzy
id := c.Param("id")
filenameWAV := cacheDir + id + ".wav"
var size int64
if fileExists(filenameWAV) {
s, err := fileSize(filenameWAV)
if ErrCheck(err) {
log.Println("[GIN:AudioGet] Size of file " + filenameWAV + " = " + strconv.Itoa(int(s)))
size = s
} else {
log.Println("[GIN:AudioGet] Can't read size of file " + filenameWAV)
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Can't read size of file")
} else {
log.Println("[GIN:AudioGet] No WAV file " + filenameWAV)
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, "No WAV file")
// Analiza nagłówka - ile bajtów mamy wysłać
bytesToSend := 0
bytesToSendStart := 0
bytesToSendEnd := 0
headerRange := c.GetHeader("Range")
log.Println("[GIN:AudioGet2] Header:Range = " + headerRange)
if len(headerRange) > 0 {
headerRangeSplitted1 := strings.Split(headerRange, "=")
if len(headerRangeSplitted1) > 0 {
log.Println("[GIN:AudioGet2] range in " + headerRangeSplitted1[0])
if len(headerRangeSplitted1) > 1 {
headerRangeSplitted2 := strings.Split(headerRangeSplitted1[1], "-")
if len(headerRangeSplitted2) > 0 {
log.Println("[GIN:AudioGet2] start = " + headerRangeSplitted2[0])
if len(headerRangeSplitted2) > 1 {
log.Println("[GIN:AudioGet2] end = " + headerRangeSplitted2[1])
bytesToSendStart, err := strconv.Atoi(headerRangeSplitted2[0])
if ErrCheck2(err) {
bytesToSendEnd, err := strconv.Atoi(headerRangeSplitted2[1])
if ErrCheck2(err) {
bytesToSend = bytesToSendEnd - bytesToSendStart + 1
log.Println("[GIN:AudioGet2] Bytes to send " + strconv.Itoa(bytesToSend))
log.Println("[GIN:AudioGet2] From " + strconv.Itoa(bytesToSendStart) + " to " + strconv.Itoa(bytesToSendEnd))
if bytesToSend > 0 {
c.Header("Content-length", strconv.Itoa(bytesToSend))
c.Header("Content-range", "bytes "+strconv.Itoa(bytesToSendStart)+"-"+strconv.Itoa(bytesToSendEnd)+"/"+strconv.Itoa(int(size)))
size = int64(bytesToSend)
// Streaming LOOP...
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Otwieraamy plik - bez sprawdzania błędów
file, err := os.Open(filenameWAV)
defer file.Close()
if ErrCheck(err) {
// Info o wejściu do GET
log.Println("[GIN:AudioGet] Sending " + id + "...")
p := make([]byte, size)
file.ReadAt(p, int64(bytesToSendStart))
if bytesToSend > 0 {
c.Data(http.StatusPartialContent, "audio/wav", p)
} else {
c.Data(http.StatusOK, "audio/wav", p)
} else {
log.Println("[GIN:AudioGet] Can't open file " + filenameWAV)
and here is log:
2020/05/04 14:28:59 [GIN:AudioGet] Size of file cache/190651.wav = 26460044
2020/05/04 14:28:59 [GIN:AudioGet2] Header:Range = bytes=0-1
2020/05/04 14:28:59 [GIN:AudioGet2] range in bytes
2020/05/04 14:28:59 [GIN:AudioGet2] start = 0
2020/05/04 14:28:59 [GIN:AudioGet2] end = 1
2020/05/04 14:28:59 [GIN:AudioGet2] Bytes to send 2
2020/05/04 14:28:59 [GIN:AudioGet2] From 0 to 0
2020/05/04 14:28:59 [GIN:AudioGet] Sending 190651...
2020/05/04 14:29:00 [GIN:AudioGet] Size of file cache/190651.wav = 26460044
2020/05/04 14:29:00 [GIN:AudioGet2] Header:Range = bytes=0-65535
2020/05/04 14:29:00 [GIN:AudioGet2] range in bytes
2020/05/04 14:29:00 [GIN:AudioGet2] start = 0
2020/05/04 14:29:00 [GIN:AudioGet2] end = 65535
2020/05/04 14:29:00 [GIN:AudioGet2] Bytes to send 65536
2020/05/04 14:29:00 [GIN:AudioGet2] From 0 to 0
2020/05/04 14:29:00 [GIN:AudioGet] Sending 190651...
2020/05/04 14:29:00 [GIN:AudioGet] Size of file cache/190651.wav = 26460044
2020/05/04 14:29:00 [GIN:AudioGet2] Header:Range = bytes=26411008-26460043
2020/05/04 14:29:00 [GIN:AudioGet2] range in bytes
2020/05/04 14:29:00 [GIN:AudioGet2] start = 26411008
2020/05/04 14:29:00 [GIN:AudioGet2] end = 26460043
2020/05/04 14:29:00 [GIN:AudioGet2] Bytes to send 49036
2020/05/04 14:29:00 [GIN:AudioGet2] From 0 to 0
2020/05/04 14:29:00 [GIN:AudioGet] Sending 190651...
2020/05/04 14:29:01 [GIN:AudioGet] Size of file cache/190651.wav = 26460044
2020/05/04 14:29:01 [GIN:AudioGet2] Header:Range = bytes=65536-26411007
2020/05/04 14:29:01 [GIN:AudioGet2] range in bytes
2020/05/04 14:29:01 [GIN:AudioGet2] start = 65536
2020/05/04 14:29:01 [GIN:AudioGet2] end = 26411007
2020/05/04 14:29:01 [GIN:AudioGet2] Bytes to send 26345472
2020/05/04 14:29:01 [GIN:AudioGet2] From 0 to 0
2020/05/04 14:29:01 [GIN:AudioGet] Sending 190651...
So, as You can see Apple browsers are asking for first two bytes first, next c.a. 64kB and then the rest of music file.