I'm trying to implement the following function in Haskell, its a recursive traversal that receives an Int and a list of lists [[Int]] and shifts the elements of the inner lists to the right without altering the size of the lists. I was able to get a list with the numbers in the right order but I couldn't insert them back into their proper sublists.
example #1:
shift_right 1 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] => [[6,1,2],[3,4,5]]
example #2:
shift_right 3 [[],[1],[2,3],[4,5,6]] => [[],[4],[5,6],[1,2,3]]
Assuming that the empty lists only appear at the beginning and never in the middle then one approach could be, first to find a way to make a single rotation and then to repeat the same action n
times for n
rotations. I think we can use mapAccumL
for this purpose.
m = [[],[1],[2,3],[4,5,6]]
s l = es ++ (rem ++ ls) : lss
(rem, (ls:lss)) = mapAccumL shifter [] fs
shifter a bs = ([last bs], a ++ (init bs))
(es,fs) = span (== []) l -- split empties and fulls
λ> s m
λ> s [[],[6],[1,2],[3,4,5]] -- carry from previous answer
λ> s [[],[5],[6,1],[2,3,4]] -- carry from previous answer
So now... since you show no attempt at all, it is your duty to come up with a code that invokes this function (or a part of this function) n
times for n
rotations Hint: preferablly without concatenating the empties.