
how to extract specific value from a configmap using oc client

My config map looks like this:

apiVersion: v1
  my-data.yaml |2-
   #data comes here
kind: ConfigMap

Is it possible to extract the content of my-data.yaml key via

oc get configmap

or any other oc command?


oc get configmap myconfigmap  -o=yaml <[only my-data.yaml]>


  • I'd like to demonstrate an example command, which "coderanger" mentioned before.

    This example converted from yaml to json and filtered ".keyname" using "jq" command after that. You can also use "yq" command instead of python one-liner and jq combination.

    oc get configmap/myconfigmap \
       -o "jsonpath={ .data['my-data\.yaml']}" | \
       python -c 'import sys, yaml, json; y=yaml.load(sys.stdin.read()); print json.dumps(y)' | \
       jq '. | .keyname'

    I hope it help you.