
Need help sending correct payload to update State

I am using MongoDB-Stitch application to create a phonebook app. When I update a user the information gets saved correctly in the database but it won't show on the client until after I refresh the page. I believe the issue is in my reducer with the action.payload._id but I'm not really sure if that is it. Reducer

    case 'updateContact':
        return {
            contacts: =>
              contact._id === action.payload._id? action.payload : contact
            loading: false,
    ```const updateContact = async (contactId, contact) => {
            const query = { _id: contactId };
            const update = {
                $set: {
            const options = { upsert: false };
            await items.updateOne(query, update, options);
                type: 'updateContact',
                payload: [contact, contactId],

My data is stored like this:

    contacts: [
             "name":"Anne Bonny",
             "name":"Woodes Rogers",
             "name":"john silver",
             "name":"Charles Vane",


  • You have sent payload as an array with contactId and contact to reducer, where you are expecting the payload to have _id field in reducer. You probably just need to send the contact and use the _id field from it assuming the contact sent to update contact is of the format

             "name":"Woodes Rogers",

    Change your action to below code to make it work

       const updateContact = async (contactId, contact) => {
            const query = { _id: contactId };
            const update = {
                $set: {
            const options = { upsert: false };
            await items.updateOne(query, update, options);
                type: 'updateContact',
                payload: contact,

    In case your contact object is simply of the below format

             "name":"Woodes Rogers",

    You would need to pass on the contactId separately and update your reducer too like below

       const updateContact = async (contactId, contact) => {
            const query = { _id: contactId };
            const update = {
                $set: {
            const options = { upsert: false };
            await items.updateOne(query, update, options);
                type: 'updateContact',
                payload: { contact, contactId },

    and reducer will be as follows

    case 'updateContact':
        return {
            contacts: =>
              contact._id === action.payload.contactId ? {, contact: } : contact
            loading: false,