When I tried to run:
python object_detection/model_main.py \
--pipeline_config_path=${PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH} \
--model_dir=${MODEL_DIR} \
--num_train_steps=${NUM_TRAIN_STEPS} \
--sample_1_of_n_eval_examples=$SAMPLE_1_OF_N_EVAL_EXAMPLES \
if I use tensorflow-gpu==1.5.0 environment, I got following error:
from nets import inception_resnet_v2
File "/home/paul/objdetect/models/research/slim/nets/inception_resnet_v2.py", line 375, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'v1'
Then I switch to tensorflow-gpu==2.1.0 environment, and run it again, I got the following error:
from object_detection import eval_util
File "/home/paul/objdetect/models/research/object_detection/eval_util.py", line 40, in <module>
slim = tf.contrib.slim
AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'contrib'
So is there a way to run it at all? what do I need to fix to get it running either in tf-1.5 or tf-2.1?
Anyone could help? Thank you very much in advance.
Sincerely yours,
tf.contrib has been deprecated in tf2.x. Similarly tf.compat was introduced in the 1.14.x and 1.15.x for solving compatability between tf 1.x and tf2.x. Try to install tensorflow version 1.15.x and run