
iOS Training model with CreateML MLTextClassifier class unable to filter from JSON

I’m facing an issue with MLTextClassifier class that is used to CreateML for text.

Below is code snippet:

import CreateML
import Foundation

let objURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/jayprakashdubey/Desktop/headlines.json")

// 1. Load data from a JSON file
guard let newsJsonFileContent = try? MLDataTable(contentsOf: objURL) else {

// 2. Make a train-test split
let (training, testing) = newsJsonFileContent.randomSplit(by: 0.8, seed: 5)

print("training: \(training.description)")

// 3. Create the model
if let objNewsClassifier = try? MLTextClassifier(trainingData: training, textColumn: "title", labelColumn: "category") {

   . . . 
}  else {
    print("Failed while classifying News - MLTextClassifier")

If condition always fails in above code snippet.

Below is console logs of playground.

Screenshot for console log

Tried with all solutions that were posted on Stackoverflow but none worked.

Note: I'm using Xcode v11.3.1.

Below is JSON file structure:

    "text":"New 13-inch MacBook Pro comes with 6K monitor support, Dolby Atmos playback",
     . . .
    "text":"Apple Watch ECG detects signs of coronary ischemia missed by hospital ECG",

Any fix?


  • There was an issue with incorrect textColumn and labelColumn values. Interchanged values of the two and it worked.

    Below is code snippet:

    // 3. Create the model
    if let objNewsClassifier = try? MLTextClassifier(trainingData: training, textColumn: "category", labelColumn: "title") {
       . . . 