I am using openpose for extracting skeleton structures of some videos and running the codes on
google colab for better hardware conditions.
When I upload videos from local to google colab and use openpose, it works well.
I want to use google drive for more videos so I connected my google drive to colab.
However, when I run openpose for the videos in my google drive, it doesn't work even though I
used the exactly same code except the path of the videos.
import subprocess
VideoPath = '/content/videos/' #works perfectly as I expected
#VideoPath = '/content/gdrive/My Drive/videos/' #does not work
if not os.path.exists("/content/output/"):
for video in os.listdir(VideoPath):
VideoName = video[:-4]
InputVideo = VideoPath + video
OutputDir = "/content/output2/output_" + VideoName + "/"
if not os.path.exists("/content/output/output_" + VideoName):
os.mkdir("/content/output/output_" + VideoName)
pipe = subprocess.call("cd /content/openpose && /content/openpose/build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --video " + InputVideo + " --write_json " + OutputDir + " --display 0 --render_pose 0 --face --hand", shell=True)
How can I use openpose on videos in my google drive?
The problem was the space in the path name '/content/gdrive/My Drive/videos/'
Changing to '/content/gdrive/My\ Drive/videos/' will work.