
Yarn Start Command failed with exit code 1

I create react app with create-react-app and install react-admin . when I want to start development server with yarn start throw an error unhand-led 'error' event and say Command failed with exit code 1 I search a lot but nothing helped. See the error in the below image enter image description here


  • All right, look carefully at this:

      errno: 'ENOENT',
      code: 'ENOENT',
      syscall: 'spawn cmd',
      path: 'cmd',
      spawnargs: [ '/s', '/c', 'start', '""', '/b', '"http://localhost:3000/"' ]

    1. errno: 'ENOENT' means the file or directory is not found
    2. path: 'cmd' denotes the executable cmd was not found locally or globally while spawning process cmd via Node.js
    3. Now, I don't want to go into details. Just know that your operating system needs to keep track of some variables which can be accessed globally. One of such variable is called $PATH. The executables inside directories mentioned in the $PATH can be accessed from anywhere on your system.
    4. Here, 'C:\Windows\system32' is a path where windows keeps some critical executables. cmd.exe is one of them. Somehow the path was deleted from the $PATH variable. In order to fix the problem, an easy solution is:
      • Go to start-menu -> search and type environment variables and open it
      • There will be a variable named PATH. Append C:\Windows\system32 to it and press OK. If you're on Windows 7 or below, add a semi-colon ; before it
      • Restart your terminal or IDE or code editor and try running the app. See if the error comes again