
How do you use boost/beast to parse and extract the payload from an HTTP POST request?

I am trying to understand how to process the contents of an HTTP POST request using the Boost Beast library. I have slightly modified the Boost Beast advanced server example to get a handle on things.

I've added the following lines to the handle_request() method in the example (just before line 155):

    if ( req.method() == http::verb::post)
      std::cout << req << std::endl;

I have created a simple test file called foobar.dat containing the following:

This is a test!

I send it to the server using this curl command:

curl -F 'test=@foobar.dat' http://localhost:8080

which results in the following output from the server:

POST / HTTP/1.1Host: localhost:8080
User-Agent: curl/7.58.0
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 218
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------9c747f078ebbe880

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="test"; filename="foobar.dat"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

This is a test!


So, I have the server receiving the expected message.

If I modify my test slightly to the following, I can extract the header fields individually as well as the body in one big buffer.

    if ( req.method() == http::verb::post)
      std::cout << "Fields:" << std::endl;

      int field_count = 0;
      for(auto const& field : req)
          std::cout << "Field#"
                    << ++field_count << " : " << field.name() << " = " << field.value() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "Body:" << std::endl;
      int body_count = 0;
      for(auto it = boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(req.body().data());
          it != boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end(req.body().data()); ++it)
        // This is the next buffer in the sequence
        boost::asio::const_buffer const buffer = *it;

        std::string body(boost::asio::buffer_cast<const char*>(buffer));
        std::cout << "Buffer#" << ++body_count << " = " << body << std::endl;

Produces the following output:

Field#1 : Host = localhost:8080
Field#2 : User-Agent = curl/7.58.0
Field#3 : Accept = */*
Field#4 : Content-Length = 218
Field#5 : Content-Type = multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------5510ea3ec81b8585
Buffer#1 = --------------------------5510ea3ec81b8585
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="test"; filename="foobar.dat"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

This is a test!


Most of the examples I have found demonstrate how to create responses and requests using Boost Beast, but I cannot find any clear examples of what to do to parse the content and separate the various components of the message.

Specifically, how do I use Boost Beast to extract and separate the name ("test"), the filename ("foobar.dat"), and the file contents ("This is a test!") from the body in order to process the message further? Or, at this point, is it necessary to parse the data in the body of the message myself?


  • That's outside the scope of Boost::Beast. You will have to do it by yourself regardless whether the information you seek resides in fields or body. I would suggest one of the handy string operation tools/utilities/libraries, e.g. Boost::Algorithm::String or Abseil (absl::StrSplit).

    Side note: You can access the fields like you did or directly like so

    auto field = req["<field_name>"];
    // or
    auto it = req.find("<field_name>");

    Lines in HTML bodies are separated by carriage return and new line \r\n. Body from headers by double \r\n. You can access individual lines by writing a fancy, optimized, parser or by using one of the available utilities. Split along lines, split along colon, split along semi-colon to gain access to name or filename and lastly split along equal sign to get the data out. Example using Abseil since I am not sure if boost can split along a full string (string_view):

    std::vector<std::string_view> lines = absl::StrSplit(req.body(), "\r\n");
    std::vector<std::string_view> headers = absl::StrSplit(line, ':', absl::SkipWhitespace());
    // or possibly (never tried it myself but abseil is a great library so I assume this should work)
    std::array<std::string_view, 2> headers = absl::StrSplit(line, ':', absl::SkipWhitespace());
    std::vector<std::string_view> items = absl::StrSplit(header, ';', absl::SkipWhitespace());
    std::vector<std::string_view> values = absl::StrSplit(item, '=', absl::SkipWhitespace());
    // or possibly again using array