
inputmask dynamic mask change on last digit

I want to use Jquery.Inputmask to mask a phone number input and I'm dong it as follows:

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.PhoneNumber, new {@class = "form-control mask-phone"})

and in my JS I initialize it:

    mask: "(99)9{4,5}-9999}",
    greedy: false

and it works great, but the dynamic input is triggered right after the sixth digit and i have to manually put the caret after the hyphen. Is there a way to only trigger the dynamics in the mask after the very last digit has been typed?

I'm not sure I made myself clear. I short terms, I want a mask that goes from:




without having to drag the caret after typing the sixth digit.


  • 4 years after: the solution for this case is now in the Input mask documentation, under 'keepStatic' option. So in this case you could do somthing like this:

        mask: ["(99)9{4}-9999", "(99)9{5}-9999"],
        keepStatic: true