This is the strangest question I will ever ask: I'm getting different behaviour for an Android App I developed when running from Android Studio than when running the released version from Google Play.
I know this sound crazy, but is is true.
This is absolute madness.
Android Studio is up to date. I try devices and emulators from Android 6 up to 9. LogCat shows no errors or warnings. I have added tons of debug lines but nothing helps. Gradle is up to date. MinSDK is 23, TargetSDK is 29.
What can it be? Has anyone ever faced a situation like this one before?
This app was in production and working fine until two weeks ago when all this started.
Công Hải was rigth.
The problem was the minify=true. Turning it to false solved the issue.
Will work on proguard rules in order to be able to keep the minify enabled.
Still I wonder why it stopped working from one version to another.
Thanks Công Hải!